Tiger Snake
(Notechis Scutatus)
Identification: Robust body with a head slightly distinct from the neck. Variable colour being olive grey, tan, dark brown or blackish with cream or yellow cross bands. Specimens without bands can also occur. Maximum length is about 1.8 m.
Habitat: Rainforest, woodlands, swamps, but restricted to only a few isolated populations in Southeast Queensland, being Bunya Mountains and Beerwah north and northwest of coast, however the rainforests of Lamington National park and its surrounding plateau or Upper Beechmont are the only areas Tiger Snakes are still are sighted near the Gold Coast. Sadly, the cane toad has contributed to the diminished population of the species as they are poisonous.
Diet: Frogs ,small mammals, lizards and birds are the main prey items however fish are sometimes taken.
Reproduction: Live bearer with up to 40 in a litter.
Danger: Dangerously-venomous being strongly neurotoxic that can lead to paralysis and death.
Behaviour: Tiger Snakes can often be found communally, being largely terrestrial, but will sometimes venture into low trees. Tiger Snakes sense human footfalls but often allow an individual to approach in close proximity before deciding to retreat. If threatened it will flatten its neck and swivel from side to side whilst hissing. It can often strike with a closed mouth on first strike, but will not hesitate to envenomate if harassed, handled or attacked.