Stephens Banded Snake
(Hoplocephalus Bungaroides)
Identification: Head is broad and distinct from the neck. Brown and often creamy brown dorsal colouration commonly with black bands, but unbanded specimens have been sighted. Grows to 1 m.
Habitat: Wet sclerophyll forest and rainforest.
Diet: Lizards, birds and small mammals.
Reproduction: Live young measuring 15 to 20 cm in length.
Danger: Potentially dangerous species. Venom is neurotoxic and contains a strong thrombin that causes blood clotting. It can cause severe symptoms in bite victims, but is well neutralised by tiger snake anti-venom.
Behaviour: Will activate a threat display if provoked and will bite often repetitively without hesitation. Largely arboreal snakes that spend much of their time in trees.