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What! Snakes in my roof?
We are an insured, experienced and professional Snake Catcher on the Gold Coast.
It's a common occurrence that we will find a variety of snakes seeking refuge in people's roofs as it's a warm place in the home and has multiple access points for slithering reptiles to get in.
Did you know 1 in 3 homes in Queensland has a snake in their roof cavity at any given point in the year, and the most common time of the year for this is in Winter.
Pictured are some of the snakes on the Gold Coast we have caught in roofs recently...

What we offer:
Property inspection of roof, yard, house or selected areas of concern.
Property assessment report provided with recommendations and solutions.
All snake catches and relocations are included in this fee at the time of the inspection.
Q&A session with our licensed, insured, professional Gold Coast Snake Catcher.
Our catcher inspecting your home has 10 years experience in the building trade.
Full property inspections take 45min to 1 hour starting at $200+GST.
(Price differs dependent on size of property and roof accessibility)
Yard and house only property inspections for up to 20 minutes start at $130+GST.
Please note:
Whilst it is impossible to completely keep snakes out of your property, there is a range of things you can do to make your home less attractive to snakes and other reptiles by eliminating their food sources (rodent control) and to ensure your landscaping design is less appealing for them to seek refuge.
As a professional snake catcher with more than a decade of experience handling and relocating snakes on the Gold Coast, Hudson Snake Catching can advise you on a variety of cost effective strategies to help you prevent and deter snakes from entering your home, roof and yard. In addition, our Snake Catcher's experience in the construction trade means you are provided with a wealth of additional building information and verified solutions for your home.
Do snake repellers work? No! We do not recommend the use of snake repellers as an effective solution to deter snakes. The regularity and nature of their vibrations prove in-effective in almost all scenarios where we have encountered snakes with them, including some pythons being relocated after nesting near or resting on or around snake repellers or deterrents - save your money! Most of the solutions we provide are cost effective, DIY activities that can give you comfort and peace of mind when it comes to snakes and reptiles in your property. ​
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