Eastern Brown or Common Brown Snake
(Pseudonaja textillis)
Identification: Grows up to two metres with some specimens recorded up to 2.4m in length. Colouration varies greatly from cream to opaque and almost black. Can be grey, dull brown, coppery brown and terracotta orange colours. Some specimens may present bands, speckled scales and have patches of varying colour. Juveniles may have bands from head to tail. Medium to heavily built snake with head mostly indistinct from the neck. Scales typically smooth and spots almost always present on the belly.
Habitat: Open and closed forests, hot dry, arid country and grasslands. Eastern browns have a typical fondness for agricultural lands and pastures as well as semi urban areas, bringing them in regular contact with people
Diet: This snake species is a rodent specialist with its favourite diet being rats and mice. It also consumes frogs, lizards and also reptile eggs and birds have known to be consumed.
Reproduction: Lays up to 28 eggs with mating occurring spring to early summer time.
Danger: Dangerously Venomous! Second most toxic land animal in the world, possessing a deadly combination of neurotoxins and anticoagulants. One specific neurotoxin it possesses is responsible for up to 70% of its killing power. Despite its extreme toxicity the eastern brown delivers this venom in small doses through short fangs, so appropriate clothing and footwear can greatly decrease the risk of an envenomation. Unconsciousness internal bleeding and death can result this is normally through heart, kidney and lung failure, seek medical attention and apply pressure immobilisation immediately. This snake is responsible for the most snake bite deaths in australia.
Behaviour: A largely diurnal snake and terrestrial snake with a poor climbing ability which spends up to 90% of its time below ground. When threatened it will raise its forebody into an s position and will actively strike and defend itself with a rapid strike sometimes repetitively. Will shelter in animal burrows, soil cracks under rocks logs and often under building materials such as sheets of iron and tarps as well as under concrete slabs.